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Farm Based

Roots Charter High School is on a farm and strives to authenticate all the learning that takes place at the school through the farm as a laboratory. Individuals are often motivated by solving real-world problems to authentic tasks.
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Authentic Learning

What makes Roots High School unique is the hands-on, authentic and relevant learning experience offered at Roots. Studies suggest that student often leave school because they feel the learning is irrelevant to their lives.
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Credit Recovery

The best way to prepare students for college and life is by teaching them to accomplish difficult tasks. The farm is the perfect place to teach students about patience, hard work, rewards, consequences and joy.
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College Readiness

The best way to prepare students for college and life is by teaching them to accomplish difficult tasks. The farm is the perfect place to teach students about patience, hard work, rewards, consequences and joy.
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A farm in the city is an ideal context for studying connections. A farm demonstrates the most basic relationship humans have to the land. Students experience the cycles of nature and discover the rewards of hard work and collaboration. They care for plants and animals that, in turn, provide their nourishment. They are involved in matters of life, birth, and death. They are responsible for the well- being of fellow creatures and develop motivation and responsibility through this relationship.

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